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Empath Archetypes Part One: The Creator

The Archetypal Creator Empath is the artist. But not just any artist. They bring us the creative expression of the universe, embodied.

The Creator Empath sees the possibilities and everyday magic around them, and translates it for the rest of us in a way that resonates and brings us along in their dream.

To be clear, the Creator’s medium or genre can be almost anything. It’s true that lots of Creator Empaths are painters, writers, musicians, and the like.

But many more express their creative vision by taking an artistic approach to vocations and avocations, like cooking, design, entrepreneurship, invention, architecture, craftsmanship, teaching, and gardening. But they all have one thing in common:

The Creator Empath is following their own vision to bring something tangible to the world that enriches our experience.

In her book, Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert explains that in ancient Greece and Rome, it was thought that great creative accomplishments did not come solely from the most brilliant, clever, or talented people. Instead, they believed it was granted to the artist by a “divine attendant spirit that came to human beings from some distant and unknowable source.”

This divine attendant spirit has the Creator Empath on speed dial and calls often.

They have a lot in common with The Mystic Empath Archetype, in that they have a direct line to divine and universal guidance.

But the Creator uses this connection for self-expression and catharsis, while providing and celebrating beauty, truth, inspiration, and joy (Learn more about the Mystic Empath).

Because of their high levels of empathy, the Creator Empath speaks to the world in a deeply connected way. They remind us that we are not alone in the universe.

Their vision resonates with our truth and we recognize ourselves in their creation.

As with all Empaths, mindfulness and self-awareness are essential for the Creator. Because their antennas are so numerous and sensitive, overwhelm can be an issue. They need to be careful not to overuse things like drugs and alcohol to numb themselves.

Grounding meditations, or more direct grounding--like walking barefoot on the Earth—can help with the overwhelm. It can also help to just lay on the ground and let absorb excess charged energy. Spending time alone and with plants or animals is always beneficial.

It’s important for the Creator Empath to remember to create for the sake of expression, catharsis, and communication, without being distracted by comparison or competition.

This joy of pure expression is why they find themselves visited so often by that “divine attendant spirit” that makes their creations so brilliant.

My mission is to help each highly sensitive and empathic person wake up to their power, brilliance, and authentic path. Learning about your archetype can help a lot! Please get in touch if you have any questions, stories, or want to schedule a one-on-one session to explore your soul's purpose.

Are You an Empath? Take the quiz now to find out!

I'd love to hear your questions, comments, and ideas for further posts.

Click here to learn about intuitive coaching and please share this article on social media if you think you might know other Empaths and HSPs who could benefit.

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Oct 19, 2021

I love the idea of having an archetype I can relate to - in a way to better understand myself and others. It gives me a new perspective on ways to be in the world. Thank you for guiding us in this way~

Oct 24, 2021
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Thank you for this encouraging feedback! I think all the Empath Archetypes overlap some in most highly empathic people--just because they're all about caring and connecting on a very deep level--but I do find that people tend to especially embody one of them. All four Empath types are huge gifts to the world and I'm hoping these articles will help explain that : )


Oct 14, 2021

I really enjoyed reading about the Archetypal Creator Empath! So good! I love the empowering message. It's easy for creators and to get bogged down with comparison or competition, especially these days when so much is available and it's easy to get lost in the work of others. Love how this article reminds creators to ground and connect with the joy of creating. Such a good read!

Oct 15, 2021
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Thank you : ) and so true about the comparison and competition! I still get bogged down by that every day, seeing all the amazing stuff other people are putting out there--especially on social media, with the "likes" and huge numbers of followers some people have. I recently spoke with one of those creators I'm intimidated by and she told me that--even after many years--she gets a little scared when posting things publicly.


Oct 14, 2021

Really enjoyed both blog posts. Thanks for "Is Being an Empath so Terrible". Excellent counter-balance to the all too frequent stories of empaths as victims. Generally speaking "more is better". More happiness, more love, more intelligence, more strength, more understanding, more kindness. And, if you use it correctly, more empathy toward others is beyond doubt a very good thing. A gentle and benevolent superpower.

"Archetypal Creator Empath" was a fun and empowering read. And so true! I believe all great artists (famous or unknown) are empaths. And I love the idea of a divine attendant spirit. I believe that empaths are uniquely suited to "connect" with that mystical spirit. A necessity for any "creator".

I'll be watching for your…

Oct 14, 2021
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Thank you so much for your insights! I feel really done with the negative messaging about Empaths so I'll probably come back to that topic! : ) I really love that whole section on creative genius coming from the "attendant spirit" in Elizabeth Gilbert's Big magic.

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